Real estate prices and quotation in the municipality of Genova: Pegli, Prà

The average prices of residential properties are inicated in the municipality of Genova : Zone Pegli, Prà. The reference period is December 2024.

Average price of residential properties in Sale in the area of Pegli, Prà.
1,554 €/m2

300 €/m2Maximum price 

3,150 €/m2Minimum price 

In December 2024 for residential properties for Sale in the area of Pegli, Prà the average request was 1,554 € per square meter, with a decrease of -2% compared to December 2024 (1,585€/m2).


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Price analysis for area

In December 2024, in the municipality of Genova in the area of Quarto, Quinto, Nervi the highest average price requested for properties for sale was 3,486 € per square meter, while  in the zone Valpolcevera  the lowest average price requested was 934 € per square meter. In the same month, the highest average asking price for rental properties was  in the zone Centro, same as 16.17 € per month per square meter, while  in the zone Valpolcevera the lowest average price requested was 7.1 € per month per square meter

ZoneSale €/m2Rent €/m2
Albaro, Sturla 3,087 11.59
Alta Val Bisagno 1,154 7.21
Apparizione, Borgoratti, Bavari 1,630 8.01
Centro 2,371 16.17
Centro Ovest 1,272 8.5
Circonvalmonte 1,862 13.72
Cornigliano, Sampierdarena 988 7.47
Marassi, San Fruttuoso 1,393 8.58
Pegli, Prà 1,554 7.99
Quarto, Quinto, Nervi 3,486 11.88
Sestri Ponente 1,278 9.57
Valpolcevera 934 7.1
Voltri, Crevari 1,408 11.18

Trend in the average selling price

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Trend in the average rental price

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