
Appartamenti con aria condizionata in affitto a Trastevere, RomaPag. 2

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    Testaccio, Trastevere, Porta Portense

    Trastevere: Furnished, modern 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, spacious living room, brgiht, silent, air conditioning. Located in beautiful private complex. #1168 Trastevere: Furnished, modern 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, spacious living room, brgiht, silent, air conditioning. Located in beautiful private complex. #1168 Apartment The property is excellently restored,  and well kept. Approx. 75mq. divided as follows: Entrance directly into living room, bright, silent, air conditioning, pleasant views onto ...

    square mqs icon 75  m²
    rooms icon 3  Locali
    bath icon 2  Bagni
    energy class icon G
L'etichetta "Occasione" non vuole in alcun modo influenzare la scelta dell'utente, ma solo segnalare un prezzo sotto la media
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