Reserved price

Garage or car box for sale, Via Ravenna, Pescara

  • square meters icon

Garage or car box

Reserved price


Pescara Via Ravenna ampio garage di mq. 40 oltre soppalco di mq. 30. Trattativa riservata. Ottimo anche per chi intende usufruire di un garage con annesso studio o locale deposito sovrastante. Rif. C1

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Main information


Garage or car box


40 m2 


Ground floor

Expenses and land registry




Reserved price

Property location


  • 220m Istituto Comprensivo Pescara 4
  • 224m Scuola media "Domenico Tinozzi"
  • 261m Liceo classico "Gabriele d'Annunzio"
  • 368m Scuola Elementare ''Dante Alighieri''
  • 466m Liceo Scientifico Statale "Galileo Galilei"
  • 536m
     stazione di Pescara Centrale
  • 70m Vittoria Emanuele II
  • 267m V. Emanuele II, civ.51
  • 53m  Decò
  • 269m  Conad
  • 322m  Tigre
  • 376m  Despar
  • 469m  Todis
  • 60m Farmacia Centrale Paolo
  • 198m Farmacia Alby Moderna
  • 205m Farmacia Dott.M. Mignella
  • 282m Parafarmacia Pharmamed
  • 315m Parafarmacia Venezia
  • 64m Pescara Centro
  • 316m Mail Boxes Etc. - Centro MBE 0097
  • 533m Pescara 2
  • 751m Pescara 5
  • 778m Pescara 1
  • 87m Banca Caripe
  • 116m BNL
  • 227m Banca d'Italia
  • 305m UBI Banca
  • 345m Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking
  • 396m Best Western Hotel Plaza
  • 609m Enel X Umberto I Sud-Ovest
  • 627m Enel X Umberto I Nord-Est
  • 654m Conad del Circuito

Zones data


Pescara (PE) - Centro


Average price of residential properties in Zone

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The data shows the positioning of the property compared to the average prices in the area

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Zones medium price Zones interest


Very low Low Medium High Very high

Minimum price

{{ trendPricesByPlace.minPrice }} €/m2

Very low
Maximum price

{{ trendPricesByPlace.maxPrice }} €/m2

Very high
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