
Apartament for sale, Montebeloo, 6, Firenze

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    5  Rooms
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    3  Bathrooms
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2,800,000 €


In the historic center of Florence, near the Arno River, Piazza Ognissanti and Lungarno Amerigo Vespucci, a splendid property is for sale, opposite the luxurious Hotel St. Regis.
The date of construction of the building is uncertain, most likely it dates back to the first half of the twentieth century, but it could be earlier. The apartment was owned by the Kraft family and has maintained its fine appearance to this day, following its reconstruction.
The apartment is located in a completely renovated building on the 5th floor. The apartment consists of 2 floors, on the 1st floor there is a kitchen, a living room, a dining area, a guest toilet and a master bedroom with a dressing room and a large bathroom made of natural marble and natural wood. on the second floor there are 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The second floor has large transparent windows that overlook the first floor of the apartment. The apartment has been renovated using the best Italian materials: Rimadesio doors, Italian brand kitchen, natural marble bathrooms and Gessi sanitary ware. It is also Smart home system and Laundry Room. Flat is without furniture.

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Main information




240 m2 






5° floor





Expenses and land registry




2,800,000 €

Price for sqm

11,667 €/m2

Property location


  • 267m Polimoda
  • 373m Liceo Victor Hugo
  • 421m Scuola secondaria di I grado �??Machiavelli�??
  • 473m Liceo Classico "Machiavelli"
  • 489m Scuola dell'Infanzia e Primaria "Nadia Nencioni"
  • 577m
     stazione di Firenze Santa Maria Novella
  • 824m
     stazione di Firenze Porta al Prato
  • 409m
     Alamanni - Stazione Santa Maria Novella
  • 495m
  • 95m
  • 41m  Conad City
  • 325m  Carrefour Express
  • 591m  Sapori & Dintorni Conad
  • 611m  Conad
  • 812m  sapori dintorni
  • 168m Farmacia d'Ognissanti
  • 284m Farmacia della Scala
  • 304m Farmacia Münstermann
  • 314m Officina profumo-farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella
  • 367m Farmacia
  • 451m Poste Italiane
  • 737m Polo Tecnologico FI
  • 750m Firenze Centro
  • 815m Poste italiane
  • 309m Credem
  • 387m Aliga Banka
  • 459m Intesa Sanpaolo
  • 522m Banche
  • 568m Chaabi Bank
  • 144m Eneldrive (ex SILFI) Piazza Ognissanti
  • 185m International Garage | EnelX
  • 272m Eneldrive (ex SILFI) Cestello
  • 296m Eneldrive (ex SILFI) Scala
  • 423m Eneldrive Orti Oricellari

Zones data


Firenze (FI) - Centro Storico, Duomo, Santa Croce, Sant Ambrogio


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