
Building land for sale, Viale Epipoli, Siracusa

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Building land

170,000 €


Disponiamo di lotti di terreno edificabili con vista sul porto, con progetto approvato, di varie metrature,
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Main information


Building land


1,000 m2 

Expenses and land registry




170,000 €

Price for sqm

170 €/m2

Property location


  • 142m XIII I.C. Archimede (plesso Via Forlanini)
  • 343m XI I.C. Archia (plesso Aldo Moro)
  • 376m XIII I.C. Archimede
  • 485m Disneyland
  • 763m I.I.S.S. Filippo Juvara
  • 120m
     Epipoli sud 1
  • 146m
     Epipoli nord 1
  • 283m  Eurospin
  • 346m  Eurospar
  • 397m  Ard Discount
  • 665m  Conad
  • 720m  Lidl
  • 299m Farmacia Caruso
  • 833m Farmacia Bongiovanni
  • 275m Ospedale Umberto I (presidio Alessandro Rizza)
  • 307m Siracusa 10
  • 903m c/o Tribunale
  • 704m Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Pachino
  • 749m Bper Banca
  • 756m Banca Agricola Popolare di Ragusa
  • 849m Ibl Banca
  • 885m Intesa Sanpaolo
  • 698m Karrozzeria Vergone | EnelX
  • 796m LIDL Siracusa

Zones data


Siracusa (SR) - Neapolis


Average price of residential properties in Zone

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The data shows the positioning of the property compared to the average prices in the area

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Zones medium price Zones interest


Very low Low Medium High Very high

Minimum price

{{ trendPricesByPlace.minPrice }} €/m2

Very low
Maximum price

{{ trendPricesByPlace.maxPrice }} €/m2

Very high
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