€ 18.000
Agricultural land for sale, San Salvo
Terreno agricolo sito in San Salvo di mq. 1.250 totalmente pianeggiante e recintato con 24 ulivi, alberi di frutta varia e piccola vigna oltre a piccola rimessa attrezzi.
Main Information
Agricultural landSurface
1,250 m2
Ground floorElevator
NoExpenses and Registry
Price per sqm
Other Features
Entrance Independent
Zone data
Average area price
Minimum price
Maximum price
Real estate trend data
Find out moreThis data shows the positioning of the property relative to the average prices in the area
Average area price
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Ad Reference
Internal Ref.
17916531External Ref.
19719_79Ad Date
Aug 23, 2024Property Ref.
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